Search for "BELARUS" returned 4 matches

Amidst war in Ukraine, EU must provide emergency visas for Russian & Belarusian journalists fleeing repression - Article

The undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today call on the Member States of the European Union to set a global example of support for media freedom in crisis by extending emergency shelter and visa waivers to Russian journalists fleeing the country, as well as Belarusian journalists seeking refuge from war and repression

Belarus: leaders of journalists’ organisations in Europe call on heads of governments to take action - Article

Leaders of 50 journalists’ unions and associations in 34 European countries today called on their governments to intensify pressure and take action in the face of constant violations of human rights and press freedom in Belarus. In a joint letter, they urge their head of government to demand from the Belarusian authorities the immediate release of the 12 imprisoned journalists and the withdrawal of administrative and criminal proceedings against Belarusian journalists

OBCT and other international organisations call on Belarusian authorities to stop their oppression of journalists and media freedom - Article

We call on Belarusian authorities to stop attacking, detaining and demonising journalists and media workers and work towards meaningful protections for media freedom

Pavel Sheremet: Keeping his memory alive - Article

Following the killing of the Belarus journalist Pavel Sheremet, OBC contributed to improve and translate his biographical page on Wikipedia